Here is another site which offers to make money online. Tumri, a merchandising network offers to generate revenue for our blogs and sites. It is similar to eBay and Chitika, but offers a rich UI to the users. The ads are attractive and gives a different look when compared to other revenue generating sites.
Unlike Google, where it generates contextual ads, the publisher has to select the category which suits his/her blog. Tumri calls the ads as AdPod's. Tumri offers hundreds of product categories containing over 10 million products from 2300 merchants like Walmart, Sears, BOSE, etc.,
One good thing about Tumri is that it offers customization. Let's say if we want to create an AdPod related to Digital Cameras, we can
- Select Categories - select differnt products like cameras, flowers, computer perepherals etc.,
- Select Merchants - can select and exclude different merchants like Amazon, etc.,
- Select Price Range - can select the price range of the products that our blog ad display
- Select with Keywords - can select our ad display products based on the given keywords
Features and Benefits
- Has wide network with millions of products from thousands of merchants
- Has the freedom to select different product categories that can be added to our blog
- Has rich interactive UI that makes click rate better than before
- Has good reporting about your ads revenue
- Easy to create and deploy into the blogs
See the Tumri AdPod
In few more days i will write more on Tumri as i have started using it now. If you want to join Tumri, Sign up for a Tumri Publisher account and find ways of integrating Tumri AdPod's onto your site. Happy earning...